Casey Neistat Episode list

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Episode number 49 from season 5.

2021-06-06 - Running Back to NEW YORK CITY

Season 5 - Episode 49 - 06-06-2021
May 2021, Casey is back in his studio. He meets fans in the streets, people screaming Casey. He got in a plane, first flight in 14 months. He went to his hometown in Connecticut to visit his dad. He had a surgery, he is doing well. As he was close, he went back to News York City. He is so happy, everything is going well. He is here for a day. He wants to visit a friend outside of the city. Rental car. His friend Hellah started to run 84 days ago from Los Angeles. 3000 miles, every single day he ran. He wanted to make something bigger than himself. He is running for a nonprofit organization Soles4Souls. Help from Gymshark. He sleeps in a RV every night on the border of the road. People are stronger than they might think. Time to run. Last leg of his journey. Casey runs with him... and lots of other people too. 20 miles to go. When you feel pain and think that you can go through it, you feel invincible. And when you finish you have that feeling. They enter New York state, then the city. Lots of people on the finish line. Hellah is smiling and feeling great. First black people to run across the country coast to coast. He asks his girlfriend if she wants to marry him. Back in a plane: what a day and what a city!

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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