Casey Neistat Episode list

In what or which episode Casey Neistat does xyz ? A detailed content of every episode of his youtube vlog

Episode number 33 from season 5.

2020-09-24 - insane new electric car, it's not a Tesla

Season 5 - Episode 33 - 09-24-2020
Casey's most viewed tiktok video: him inside a very futuristic Mercedes car. Shot 9 months ago. He was invited by Mercedes-Benz to try the car. Not an ad. When you are an influencer you can do fun things. Beside the Tesla he owns a 2002 pickup truck. He likes it very much. Back to the Mercedes. Looks like a spaceship. He was so lucky to try it. He still doesn't understand why he was invited. It is an inspirational car, they won't mass produce it but they will make cars inspired by this prototype. It makes Casey think a lot about this year. 2020 is a transitional year and he wants to keep records of it. That's why he is back vlogging.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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