Casey Neistat Episode list

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Episode number 88 from season 4.

2018-09-19 - Making fun of people.

Season 4 - Episode 88 - 09-19-2018
Water leaking over a subway train. Great morning fo a run but stormy weather coming. Casey hates running in the rain. Later in the studio it is pouring rain. People are running to get shelter. Today he wants to share some things. He made some t-shirts when he reached the 10 million subscribers. It is used to raise money for Mari in Flint Michigan to give children in needs school supplies. They sold 2,500 t-shirts, and gave $4 for each t-shirt which give a totals of $10,000. Casey gives the money now on the fundraiser page. He hopes to meet Mari. Twitter, they managed to get @368. They have the same handle on Instagram. Nepotism! Beme update, the team is still producing videos. Griffin shot a video on the subway of a huge water leak or rain pouring on the train. Viral video of a person shaving in a train. Typical NYC story. He was tempted to share it but did not. The day after there was an article in apnews explaining what is behind this video. A man was mocked online after being recording shaving in the train. He explained that he was just trying to clean up after days spent in a homeless shelter. Don't judge. Never judge. Before judging it is important to make an effort to empathize. Tattoo a 368 space. 5 tattoos already done today. Action/Intention tattoo. The most popular. A good reminder. Still a few slots available for people to come. Boosted Board in the rain. Casey hates it, especially after Dan's accident. Talking about Dan. He was only with Casey temporarily. Not sure how long it was going to last. He was in Ireland for a video conference, then went back to South Africa. Not sure when or if he will come back. The sun comes out.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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