Crime scene in the street, a fake one for a tv show. Cop car, but there are real cops around to be sure that there is no confusion. Prop pretzels and hotdogs. Boosted board ride back to the studio. New amulet/necklace: a gopro in a blue case. Yesterday someone explained him that he went to NYC because of his blog, all the footage he has seen from Casey. He has this kind of conversation at leeast once a week. It's been a while since he uploaded. He wrestles with existential thoughts. Why is he doing what he is doing. What is he chasing? He doesn't know. He wants more, he wants to do more. ABC Always Be Closing. Ethan Klein, a friend, needed a break. Ambition is both a curse and a blessing. Ambition means the doing is important, not the accomplishing. It always demands more. We are all pursuing happiness, the ultimate accomplishment. But it doesn't manifest as a product of ambition but from fulfillment. Thinking of what makes him happy. So next thing he wants to share, they removed the white painting/papers from the 368 space so now people can see inside. They have unlimited edition of 368 t-shirt. Day one painting. Come in we're opened sign. A customer comes in and buys a t-shirt. Later other people come in. They are loosing money on the t-shirt because they are expensive to make but he is happy. Candice visits the store. Time to record the podcast.