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Casey Neistat HOW TO GET A BOOSTED BOARD ON AN AIRPLANE: season 4 episode 54 youtube vlog

Casey Neistat Episode list

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Episode number 54 from season 4.


Season 4 - Episode 54 - 06-26-2018
Trip by plane, familly trip to Los Angeles for Vidcon. Casey will try to get the Boosted Mini in the plane. He removes the battery and puts it in his backpack. 50/50, will it work? It went trough security. 5.5 hours flight, perfect to work if Francine does not freak out. Right after they got to California the trip took an unexpected turn. One week later Casey is here trying to explain what happened. He hasn't posted or edited a video in a week. He was sick, stomach pain, he had to go to hospital. No Vidcon, it screwed up everything. Candice and Francine are back in NYC. He will explain what happened with more details in another hospital. He just manage to make a small video shoot. He spent time with family. It was still a good trip.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

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