2018-06-15 - it's hard to make the good things last
Season 4 - Episode 50 - 06-15-2018
Casey explains in his studio that being a Youtuber is the greatest job, he can do things he could have ever imagined when he was a kid. The most important is the people is is able to meet. The apex is the people he met at the make-a-wish foundation. The organization grants a wish to sick children. He met Errol, he came here in the studio. Casey asked why him? Errol answered because he was the person who can bring attention to the causes he believes in. So his wish was to bring attention to people in need, a total act of selflessness. It blew Casey's mind. Casey loosely spent track of Errol, a week ago he learned that Errol wasn't doing well and he passed away yesterday. Anytime Casey experiences a loss it makes him stop to think of what matters the most. He loves things, excited about camera gear and flying cars but really what matters is the relationships other people. A life not shared is a life not lived. So he wants to make a pause today and asks the audience to do the same. Link to Cancer a go go non profit. Casey asks people to give a dollar. Casey wants to sing a song, at least say the lyrics. Do you realize by the Flaming Lips. He puts the music on the video even if he doesn't have the rights. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTBMJ40MM8E