Casey Neistat Episode list

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Episode number 5 from season 4.

2018-04-07 - $35 vs. $7,000 SUPERZOOOOM

Season 4 - Episode 5 - 04-07-2018
Trolley ride with Francine. Early morning bagel run. Bad news about 368: construction was supposed to start today, but there's an issue with the insurance. One week delay. They follow the rules. Blink. In the studio Casey explains that the story we tell is always more important that what we use to tell it. Peter Soderbergh. Big movie director. He shot his latest feature film, an horror movie called unsane... with a cellphone. He said that the future of movies is on cellphones. That's a good link to announce that every tuesday on 368 there will be a segment called tech review Tuesday. Crazy Intro by Dan... but instead there is a small video of Dan explaining that he completely forgot but he is not worried because Casey won't see it before the video is released. Next week the intro will be sick. On facebook Casey has seen an ad for a crazy zoom lens you can put on your cellphone. HD360X Zoom. The video is crazy with a really long superzoom of the moon, from really wide to crazy zoomed. No way it's real, so he has to check... he ordered one. Casey cleans the overview table and unboxes the Mobile Phone Lens: Record of a better world together with you. Instructions, zoom, adapters,. Casey got it for $35 on Amazon. 18x tele zoom. Casey goes outside to try it. They go to the end of the pier. They try it. Side by side on a Google Pixel XL 2 versus a $1,000 super zoom on a $7,000 Canon camera body (1DXII). Not a total piece of garbage, it works, it is a real 18x zoom. It could be helpful if all you have is a cellphone. It almost works, but the quality is garbage. Now a fun family activity: Liberty Science Center with Francine and Candice. The trick is to come just 2 hours before it closes, so it is almost empty. He asks a person what they should see with a 3 years old kid. Francine seems to really like the place. Car ride back to Dan's place. They both enjoy what they produce today.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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