Casey asks Francine how she is interested by her baby sister. Summertime is here in NYC. Casey is on his way on the boosted board to meet friends. 156 East 2nd. Casey shows lots of jet-skis on the Hudson river. Great breakfast. Candice then wants ice-cream. Walk, cab ride home. Shopping. They left Dan but now Casey has to help him for his next video. They go to Casey's studio. Casey shows Francine the figurines of himself. He opens packages. Dan explains the pitch of his next movie. Dan remembers when he watched Casey's videos with gear falling on the ground all the time. So the pitch is imagine if the gear had feelings. Casey is excited. HE shows his gear cemetery, all the Canon 70D boxes from only season 1 of the vlog. They shoot a part of the movie in the studio. One take on shot, perfect. Then other scenes. Dan shows the main character, a broken camera screen. Wrap. Francine says it too. Cab ride home. Casey cooks SpaghettiOs for Francine.