The scoville scale is a measurement of heat in spicy foods. Tabasco is 2,000-5,000 on the scale. In the studio Dan has chocolate called instant regret: supremely hot chilli chocolate. 6.4 million scoville. Casey lies to Dan about Tabasco being much more spicy. Dan tries it. Instant regret of course. Dan goes to the toilets to wash his mouth. Casey goes to buy milk for him. Dan has swollen lips and tongue and can't even talk. Bad news: today's episode is cancelled. Good news: today is the day Dan releases his movie. Casey goes in Dan's apartment to have a look. Dan left a high paying job in South Africa for the unknown in NYC. Casey likes it. It makes a difference when you can work on a movie for more than a day. Dan's goal is to have 1 million subscribers before the end of the year.