Casey Neistat Episode list

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Episode number 11 from season 4.

2018-04-14 - best friends.

Season 4 - Episode 11 - 04-14-2018
1994, 2 best friends Harry and Loyd try to return a lost briefcase to a woman they barely know, travel across the country to Aspen, Colorado. Story time at 368. The plot is Dumb and Dumber. Casey was 12 then. It blew his mind. He saw it with his best friend Joe, they wanted to move to Colorado. This was the plan. He had to surrender this plan because of high school, getting his girlfriend pregnant and having to take care of his family. Pictures of Casey with his son Owen. Before starting the new 368 serie he wanted to use his birthday as a reason to go to Colorado, sort of fulfilling his dream. March 25 2018 he took his friends Peter, Andy aka Chuck J and Joe to the heliport. Helicopter ride. Trip to Aspen. Drone views of the city. Snowboard in the mountains. Casey remembers time with Joe, when he was living in a trailer park, they were playing Sega Dreamcast on his 27 inches Sony trinitron CRT TV. They were thinking of what they could do if they had more resources. Now Casey have the resources. So what should they do now. Swimming pool, snowboard and more friendship time. First on the mountains every day to enjoy the complete day . Friends = life. They all have responsibilities, they consume every second of our life, so the opportunities do to things like that become very rare. You must enjoy every second of it. Drone views above the city and Apen mountains. The takeaway is that it seems to be just a couple of friends skiing together but underneath that was a lifetime dream. A life not shared is a life not lived.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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