Casey Neistat Episode list

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Episode number 9 from season 3.

2017-04-06 - MY CAMERA!

Season 3 - Episode 9 - 04-06-2017
Caseyflying a dji mavic pro drone inside a conference room. Morning run in the fog. It looks like San Francisco. He is often asked how he manages to record timelapses while running. He stops and make pushups while his cellphone is capturing the images. Half day of work today. Beme stuff. Pregnant giraffe. Jack is still alive even if we don't see him often in the vlog. Jake is here too, they are preparing the basement office. Boosted board timelapse to pennsylvania train station. Built in 1901. It was a beautiful building. In 1963 they demolished it and replaced it with this embarrassment of train station. Old pictures of the great place penn station used to be. Now low ceiling, claustrophobic, there is always something broken. Humans need beauty. work in the train. 4 hour train ride. Phone call with his dad, the train in passing just in front of his coffee shop but doesn't stop. he waves at him and say hello. He arrives in Boston. Drones views of the city while riding his boosted board. rowing team. Fans. He has time to kill before his presentation but he has a video to upload before. He needs a fast internet connection. Stop at the MIT media lab, he should find one of the fastest connection of the east coast. He has a MIT card but expired since june 2014. He willy try to enter. Lots of memories. He talks with people there. No problem to use the internet connection, the space is open to the public. He runs into a former labmate Kim. Her memories of Casey: unproductive. Many runners in Boston. Boston university. He is excited with his talk. selfies with fans. He explains that during these talks (that he does not show) he shares his experiences, career, personal life. He likes that, he tries to say yes every time he could. But having to take a train at 10pm which arrives at 2:30am is not going to be a pleasant experience. Train ride back.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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