Casey Neistat Episode list

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Episode number 83 from season 3.

2017-11-27 - I QUIT (this is clickbait)

Season 3 - Episode 83 - 11-27-2017
Casey is plaing with Francine, he wears a pink bow on his forehead. Francine does not want him to take it off so he keeps it while running. People look at him very differently. Reflection of the World Trade Center on another building. Breakfast meeting. Bobby's pancakes but he got the eggs. Boosted board ride back to the studio. He does not want to give platitude quotes about quitting and being a quitter but he is quitting. He gave up on a video. He made it yesterday, was about to upload it but when watching it it wasn't very good. So he quits. He needs to focus more on his youtube videos. He spent a lot of time with Beme less to make videos. He will give more time for his videos. He wants this back. Youtube stickers on his sunglasses. He writes his next appointment address on his hands. He takes the subway. He used to hate the subway, too much people, but during the day it is empty. With the Boosted board it is a perfect combination. Someone comes with a bicycle in the subway. Cab driver liking his videos. In midtown he explains how the city goes, 5 boroughs : Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx and Staten Island. Manhattan is separated in 3 sections: at the bottom: downtown, on top: uptown, in the middle: midtown. Most of his life is downtown. Selfie with a fan. He goes to the wrong building. Then he goes in a studio for first we feast. Hot one shows, you eat chicken wings with hot sauce, more and more hot while they interview you until they breaks you. Everything is burning. Back at the studio he comes back with spicy sauces in his bag. Not sure making workout with just spicy food in his body will be a good idea. high intensity class. Scenes of the class with loud music. plug for the cycling guy in the subway jjparadox.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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