Casey Neistat Episode list

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Episode number 76 from season 3.


Season 3 - Episode 76 - 11-09-2017
Initial thoughts on the iPhone X. Lots of people asked him this video. He is more an Android guy but he always carry and Android phone and an iPhone. 10 years ago he slept outside to be one of the firsts person to have the first iphone then the first Android phone. He works with Samsung so it should be a biased review. Form factor, the iPhone X feels different, The camera bump is gigantic. No more home button, that's a problem when an app crashed. The dji app crashed a few days ago, no way to go to back to the home screen. Still lack of headphone jack. Face ID is good when it works. Because he wears sunglasses all the day it is not very useful. On the samsung Note 8 he can use retina scan AND fingerprint depending on if he wears sunglasses or not. On the iPhone the face id detection must fail first before he can enter a 4 digits code. He wishes there is another way to unlock the iPhone (fingerprint). The gestures are useful. More natural than tapping. There are still some weird gestures to switch between apps, kill them... more natural and efficient on Android. The notifications are near perfect on Android. On iOS it is less than perfect. Lots of useless notifications, not grouped by app. No multi windows. Big screen but Apple kept this for the iPad. The notch. People are saying that you soon forgot about it, Casey disagrees. It is always there. It feels like a mistake. He hide it using a black wallpaper, but he wishes the app were not able to change the color. Then notch can be hidden by software but Apple hadn't done it. The iPhone X won't replace his Note 8. Android is a better productivity device. He does not talk of the cameras, he will make a side by side comparison later.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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