Casey Neistat Episode list

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Episode number 71 from season 3.

2017-10-31 - Meeting My TWIN!!!

Season 3 - Episode 71 - 10-31-2017
2 things today. Viral video and headphones. After months of planning, days of shooting, today they are releasing the Star wars speeder video. Casey goes to Jesse's hotel room. Casey hasn't seen it yet. They send it live. Will it go viral? Jesse has to sleep. Back in the studio. Peter has made an entire Casey Neistat vlog troll. It's good. Link in the description. He is from Czech republic and he is outside in front of the building now. He is trying to make another video with Casey this time. Casey does not understand what he is doing but he enjoys it. Casey is late. 2nd segment, 3rd in fact. headphones. Comprehensive review of the new soundsport free Bose headphones. Casey uses 2 kinds of headphones. For editing videos he uses the big Bose noise cancelling bluetooth headphones. Great, zero complains. Second kind is for running. He can't run with the editing headphones. the padding smells terrible after a while. He tried Apple earpods for running, they are ok but he uses a Samsung Note 8 phone. He is hopping for a winner with the ne Bose sportfree. They are bigger than the Apple ones. He tries them outside. After a 9 miles run, he finds them good, they don't fall even when he is shaking his head., the sound quality is excellent, but he finds that they are not blocking enough the outside noise. A week later. The price is insane. $100 more than the Apple ones. They are huge, the good is good but way too big. He does not like how the Apple ones look, but they have a look, industrial design, they fit great... but the Bose looks enormous, not fashion. Phone call with Jesse, the Speeder video went viral, it was number one on the trending page. The next day, while running Casey experiences disconnections with one of the Bose earphone, he hates bluetooth for that. Not sure he will use them unless the software issues are fixed.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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