Casey Neistat Episode list

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Episode number 7 from season 3.

2017-04-04 - an explanation

Season 3 - Episode 7 - 04-04-2017
Jake explaining something. Morning run, Casey stops and sits at a table after 9.5 miles and explains that his mum is in town, she gave him a hard time with his sunglasses, she wants him to bring back the black with white circles ones instead of the purple ones. What should he do, he asks the audience. Construction works, juice press stop and boosted board ride. In the street he explains that it is monday and he has 2 business trips this week. In his studio he throws a pack of gummy bears in the trash, he wants to try to stay healthy. Casey explained yesterday in the Beme HQ that Jake is joining the Beme team, this had lead to a lot of comments about what he will be doing and what people at Beme are doing. Jake comes to explain what they are doing. They go outside to explain. They are building a media wing to the company. Casey talked to Jake about the new company, Jake was ok to be a part of it, he moved from Los Angeles to New York, found an apartment last week and here he is. They go back in the studio and use a large piece of paper to make a sketch of what the company is doing or will be doing. At the beginning Beme was all about the Beme app, when CNN bought the company they shut down the app because it wasn't doing very well. But Beme is also a tech team, has intellectual property and the other resources. Even if the app is dead there are still a lot of things inside. They are building a media wing with its own youtube channel, a show and other things to come. This is where Jake fits in. Casey's and Jake youtube channels are not a part of it, they are on the side and will continue. Outside again, they were looking for a table but weren't able to find one, they end up in a playground with children. 2 males adults, with a video camera in a playground filled with children, not a good idea at all. China Town, they go to gameland. A giant arcade that exists since de 80's. Chinatown fair video games. They go inside and play some old school video games, one guy on a dance rhythm game. Back in the studio. Lots of packages, mailtime planned tomorrow. Casey leaves the studio to go home, a fan with yellow hair is in front of his building.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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