Casey Neistat Episode list

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Episode number 61 from season 3.

2017-10-02 - learning the prognosis

Season 3 - Episode 61 - 10-02-2017
In his sutdio, Casey explains that his doctor got his MRI so he can call him to lean what the prognosis is. Voicemail. In fact he got an email earlier but he wants to record the call. 6 or 7 hours earlier Casey is running, explaining that he will have the answer today, he should not run, but he wants to run as long as possible, like the Titanic string quartet playing until the very last moment. In the street on his Boosted Board, he talks about deadlines, he hates them. BB ride to the studio. He has a deadline today, a pretty serious one. Phone call. Whatever the answer is, the damage is already done and out of his control. The doctor is not available, he calls him later a few times. He finally calls him back. Doctor's explanation. Little wear and tear but no problem, he can continue to run. Huge smile on Casey's face. Scene from Rocky. Sorry for his sister Jordan who can't run anymore, but he can! Nothing permanent, he can run. Transition about the fact he only work well under tight deadlines. He had a video in his head for a very long time, the youtube video "Do what you can't" He had a part 2 of this video, about the fact that anybody can be a filmmaker. He is working on the video with Ann in his studio. The video is 40% done. Procrastination. He attaches a Foscope flashlight on his boosted board helmet with a Gopro fixture. He has red paint over his fingers... from another video he is making. He turns off the AC unit, every light of the studio and leaves. He is happy of the outcome of his knee problem. He was worried, it was a big deal. Boosted board ride with the big flashlight.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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