Casey Neistat Episode list

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Episode number 59 from season 3.

2017-09-26 - i have a problem

Season 3 - Episode 59 - 09-26-2017
Casey was in Denver Colorado yesterday. Freezing morning run. Casey will speak at Dever startup week. He can see himself living here. Drone views of Denver. Back in his studio he explains that he has a small problem. On April 15,2015 he opened a package, a new coffee machine. It became mailtime. Nowdays products he receives fall in 2 categories: small companies that send him new products so he talks about them on the vlog. The second kind are packages and letters from people who loves him and just want to say I, sometimes they send him really cool stuff too. But he has too much stuff. Boxes everywhere in his studio. Just one week or two. He has another studio, built to store the stuff he receives. Now it is packed with stuff he received. He just shows the skateboards, he has decks, complete, electric, skateboards shaped like surf boards... in his studio he already has a rack for 4 skateboards and he even expanded a little for penny boards (and electric skateboards) but he doesn't have room anymore. Everything is well organized in labeled bins. Same for t-shirts. He appreciates everything he receives but he is in a position of extreme abundance! What should he do with all this stuff. He donated toys and clothes. He shows a video of someone opening the stuff he sent for a non profit organization. He is looking for something more scalable. He will launch an eBay store. He will donate every cent not used for packaging and shipping. He makes a drawing of the situation, the answer and what it accomplishes. The proceeds will help people in need. It address the problem while keeping him able to continue to receive stuff he can review. Perfect transition for a tech review. Today he reviews the hover-1 motorized bicycle. He tries it in the studio, then the hall of his building. He goes to see Oscar to try it in the street. He asks Oscar if it can be a viable mean of transportation in NYC. He feels vulnerable and a little anxious about hurting someone but it might work. Casey tries it too. $799 20mph speed, 22 mile range. But nothing compares to a boosted board.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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