Casey Neistat Episode list

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Episode number 55 from season 3.


Season 3 - Episode 55 - 09-06-2017
During his morning run and boosted board ride to his studio Casey explains that he needs to address something important today. In the street a girl is walking a tiny pig with a leash. In his studio Casey explains that his father in law turns 70 this week and they have planned a trip on a Disney cruise ship for a very long time. But the ship starts from Florida, where hurricane Irma is going to. So should they try to go. Casey also talks about his purple sunglasses he lost in the ocean at his friend's wedding. He wanted a new pair, he ordered them on Amazon, but he thinks that they are counterfeit. The box and paperwork seems legit but they feel different. He wears Ray Ban's every day all the day so he knows. Everything seems legit but... no. The receipt says that if he has problems with them he should contact the dealer directly, not Amazon, that seems shady (third party dealer). So he goes to the official Ray Ban store to try to understand. When he enters the store some fans tell their instagram and snapchat ids. In the store he talks to a woman, quick inspection, she thinks they are legit. The manager of the store comes and asks Casey not to shoot video. Outside of the store Casey still thinks they are bogus. He need to find a real expert. Back in the studio he opens a big cardbox from Rode. New videomic pro+ He stopped to use the videomic pro because of all the annoyances that came with them (he talks about the battery and cable problems). The new model is supposed to fix all these problems. He compares it to the videomic go which works without battery. He will make a comprehensive review later. In the car with Candice they talk about the cruise ship and his sunglasses. Candice thinks they are fake. Casey is actively looking for a sunglasses expert. Later Candice is wearing a neck brace (Casey will explain later), phone call with the travel agency, the Disney cruise is cancelled.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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