Casey Neistat Episode list

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Episode number 54 from season 3.

2017-08-25 - ABOUT THE NOTE 8

Season 3 - Episode 54 - 08-25-2017
Boosted board ride behind a fast BMW car. Today Casey wants to talk about the new Samsung Note 8. The only thing people are interested in is the comparison with the iPhone 8, but the new iPhone is not out yet. So he doesn't want to make a comprehensive review today. He wants to explain why he likes phones with stylus. Totally biased review as he often works with Samsung, but he is not paid to make this video. Size matters, the note8 is a gigantic phone, the biggest one he owns. Bigger than the s8+ s8, iphone 7... But it fits in the pocket. The feel is good. He likes stylus, he uses them on the iPad and really likes them. But Apple offers no way to keep the pen with the tablet! On the Samsung tabs there is a loop on the cover, and on the Microsoft Surface the pen has a magnet to stick to the tablet. Casey has big fingers, so he like the stylus. He wants touch screen with stylus on his laptop. In the street while filming someone yells his name from a car. He makes the car stop and asks for a ride. Chris takes him to the heliport. A stylus is more than just a detail. It is more natural. He explains that while going to the airport and boarding in a plane to LA. For photo editing on a cellphone it is very convenient. The Note 7 was his favorite phone. It reminds him of his Palm Treo, with a keyboard and a stylus back in 2008, the hottest tech in 2008. Cab ride to Santa Monica. He ends at Max's house, they almost have the same gray shirt. End credits written with a stylus.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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