Marfa, Texas, Part 2 of the location scouting. Early morning, quick run. Map to scout for locations. Car ride with Max and 2 other guys. It is for a movie for Max. They need a long stretch of road. Stop for reconnaissance. Drone views of the surronding near the Mexican border. Casey crashed the drone 3 times, since he is not allowed to fly in NYC anymore he is not used to to it very well. He crashed it in a phone line and they try to find it back. Using the recorded footage they manage to find the location where it crashed. Then they try to film through the window of the car using a cellphone on a stabilizer. Nice but the road is not straight and flat enough. Max is eating cheerios, Casey inquires where he found them. Gas station 3 hours earlier. Rattle snake leaving the road. Later in the car Casey uses an USB cable to scare his friend. They try to find a better road, the previous one is B- they need at least a A-. They meet a guy in a bar, he leads them to the Mexico border. Then they drive to the Mexican border official crossing road. Max explains that they need a road that is going to tell a story, and to see that story they need to take this road. In these part of America, they have something to tell. Border patrol. They are stopped by the police because of speed limit. Timelapse of clouds. Back at the house, the day went very well with the help of Dylan. It will be Do what you can't Max's story. Next day, plane ride leaving Marfa.