Casey Neistat Episode list

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Episode number 49 from season 3.

2017-07-26 - MY NEW SUNGLSSES..

Season 3 - Episode 49 - 07-26-2017
Harbour, morning run, gigantic boat. Selfies. Casey likes NYC for many reasons, but having this kind of ship in town is one of these reasons. People are coming from far away to see it. In the studio he explains that his previous purple sunglasses are gone at sea during Nev wedding. He was trying to surf on an inflatable swan, his brother pushed him and he lost his glasses. So he has made an inventory of the other available sunglasses in his studio. gradient gray (creepy), red ones (broken), so he went back to the traditional black ones, but the right side is broken, so he took the right side from the red pair to mount it on the black frame. New shades : cannibal edition. Reading on his couch, new intro for Casey Neistat's book club. Today's book is Ready player one. Fantastic science fiction. From 2011. This book is about to expire: 2044, dark place, pollution, global warming, war. One guy created a VR game where the world is beautiful and people prefer live there. The guy is from 1980 so there are lots of references to the 80's pop culture. Warner Brothers has bought the rights to make a movie from this book, Steven Spielberg will direct it. Spielberg is also a product of the 80's. But the magic of this book is that it is so detailed that it won't fit into a movie. So when the movie is out, people will talk of the movie and not the book anymore. So better to read it before the movie goes out. Everything related to the community, internet posts, will go away under the load of stuff that will be said about the movie. Casey watched the trailer lots of times, and there are lots of details and references that makes him think that Spielberg will respect the book. He leaves the office, is picked by Candice in her car. In their apartment he switches clothes, they have a date tonight. Double date with Max and Priscilla.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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