Morning run. 9:59am with Jimmy Conrad. He is leaving for San Francisco. Casey 2 times 8.5 miles. Back home, Goodnight Casey pillow case. Travel day. He has jut came back from 11 days of travel and is already packing for 2 more days. Formal wear, 2 ties. 9 pairs of underwear. 7 pairs of socks and his pair of running shoes. Boosted board ride with his suitcase. Selfie with a fan. Vlog interruption he wants to talk about something he can only talk to his audience, not wife or friends. Make A Wish association, they work with children who are terminally ill. A couple of young people's wish is to meet him. If things goes well he will meet one in August and he was supposed to meet another one in September. He wants to talk about him. Yesterday he got an email from make a wish. The meeting of September is cancelled because the child passed away. He never met him, he knows nothing about him but knowing that his only wish was to meet him is an honor. It gave Casey a kind of reset on appreciating life, look around... back to the vlog. Cab ride to the helicopter airport. He is late. Ride to the airport. TAP company. He has never been with this company. He hates the TSA process. No shower in the lounge. Fail. The seat is nice. Lots of desk space to work. He leaves for Portugal.