Casey Neistat Episode list

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Episode number 4 from season 3.

2017-03-28 - MEETING MY HERO!

Season 3 - Episode 4 - 03-28-2017
On today's episode, a special presentation. Casey opens an envelope with March's edition of Resource Magazine inside. Candice is on the front cover with a Billy t-shirt. 14 years ago, 2003 NYC with his family. 2 years even before Youtube exists. A DVD came out, called Palm Pictures Directors Label about Spike Jonze. He has made some of the most iconic music videos, short videos. Now he is an Oscar winning filmmaker. This DVD had a strong impression on Casey, one day he would like to have his own directors label dvd. He did one label in photoshop, printed 1,000 copies at Kinko's, he also made the dvd's with his iMac with the movies he has made with his brother. Casey shows footage of the DVD an label making. To distribute them they put them directly in the Virgin stores. He mailed one copy to Spike Jonze and received no answer, again and again for a long time. in July 2004 he sent a letter with the DVD. Someone is ringing at his door. Spike Jonze is here in his studio. They both read the copy of the letter. Dear Spike, this is the fifth f*cking DVD i have sent you, would it kill you to give me some sort of response? ... They both laugh at it. They also read Spike's answer written on Aug 8th 2004. Spike remembered the DVD but not the letters. Spike is here because they will do something together at the Samsung event tomorrow. Spike invented Jackass. Footage of 2001. Spike with a lady's voice. At that time Casey's dream would have been that Spike would come in his studio to congratulate him with the quality of his work... Dreams come true. Spike plays the role and opens the door of Casey's studio and say that he is honored to meet him, that he is the greatest filmmaker ever. Casey engraves Spike's phone. Spike leaves.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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