Casey Neistat Episode list

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Episode number 32 from season 3.


Season 3 - Episode 32 - 05-18-2017
People walking on the sidewalk next to the river. Boosted board ride. 90°F today, summer is here. Casey wants to spend as much time as possible outside. Inside in the basement, at the kitchen, in the studio. He failed. Package in his studio: lots of ramen noodles. He gave them to Oscar. Oscar is leaving to Cannes for the film festival. Casey won't go there because he wasn't involved in Oscar's movie. Casey was there in 2009. The audience would be able to ee the movie on August 11th. Marlon is there, he goes to congratulate Oscar too. Casey leaves the building for a special mission outside. BB ride. He has a meeting in 30 minutes but he wants to pick something for a race this week-end then come back to the city. Kids running in the street. Casey advise to take the Manhattan brigde over the Brookly bride when using a bicycle or a skateboard (something on wheels) because the Brooklyn Bridge is wood and packed with tourists. Airbnb Brooklyn half pre-party presented by New Balance. NY RR Run For Life. Casey will run the Brooklyn half marathon is 2 days. Casey is there to pick his BIB (number you put on your chest). Selfie with fans. A3492 number. Back in the basement. They are doing a test shoot. They have already shot a show many times, edited it, watched it to find what was sucking to fix it. They are almost ready to publish something. They hired 5 new people. New producer, designer... things are happening. They are 22 now. BB ride outside. Fans in a car. Back home Casey explains that it is his first half marathon for a while, he is a little nervous and mostly excited. He also found his first pair of sunglasses, red wayfarer. Fireworks on a pier

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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