Boosted board ride to Candice's office. Today is the big day: Candice's company Billy launch party. Casey is bringing Candice's phone, she forgot it at home. Candice is nervous. The party has already started, they are selling Billy! t-shirts, the soldering artist is here, soldering gold bracelets. Casey shows the process. Candice in front of the orange truck with the Billy logo on the doors. BB ride back to the studio. Casey is proud of Candice, nothing is sexier than a hard-working successful woman. Lunch with the Beme team. They assess the quality of the fried chicken from Taco Bell, more fry than chicken. Jake forced them to taste. Naked chicken, not good at all. Basement HQ is still in progress. iJustine is there to visit the place, when she heard about the RED cameras she wanted to have a look. Back in his studio he explains that they are almost ready to publish content. It is like long overdue, the building process is slow and frustrating but it needs to be done. Then he goes back to Candice's party. It feels great to see the fruits of her labor. Casey's fans in front of the building. After the party Candice explains that it went very well, they were a little bit overwhelmed with what was going on outside. Casey gets a gold chain laser soldered. Ice, booze, vodka shots, tattoos. Long party. They tidy the place. Major success.