Casey Neistat Episode list

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Episode number 28 from season 3.

2017-05-10 - they SENT ME 100 POUNDS OF RED GOO

Season 3 - Episode 28 - 05-10-2017
A cab driver with "I rode with #mrferrarii" and "cabbie to the stars #mrferrarii" signs. Boosted board ride in the NYC streets to Juice Press. Inside a woman working there makes a self promotion for Casey received a lot of packages, it takes more and more space in his studio, so today's episode is dedicated to openning these packages. It may not interest everybody. In his studio Casey explains that he would like to be able to plug his smartphone on any computer, click on an icon and then the computer becomes his computer with all his stuff inside. It would decimate the pc market. Perfect transition for the beginning of his unboxing : Samsung Dex Station. Samsung S8, he already has a black one but they gave him a silver one for free. He is not paid by Samsung to talk about the Dex station but he works with Samsung from time to time and he tweeted a few days ago that he would be interested to have a look at the Dex station, so Kelsey, the lady he is in touch with at Samsung's HQ sent him one, with a keyboard and other stuff to try. So it is a totally biased review. He shows how the station works. Bluetooth keyboard and mouse. They also sent him a 34" curved Samsung OLED screen. He tries it with his phone, plays a YouTube video, removes the phone from the dock and puts it back, it takes a little bit longer that he wished to boot up but it works. You still need the dock, specific connections like hdmi monitor, bluetooth keyboard and mouse... not as simple as his idea (plug a cellphone on any computer using a simple usb cable) but it is a start, he is impressed. More boxes and packages. He starts with the bigger ones first because he needs his studio space back. A dry erase panel with the Beme logo on it. Casey explains that they are redoing all the Beme branding. Gerblé biscuits and a Broussard chocolate box with a sort of huge keyring with a small screen on it with a video of him. Adult content box. A bag of dirt. Probably a joke. Honey butter. Lots of junk food. Left lane Crew. American flag made out of wood Pledge allegiance flag company. deer woods, 3d printed deer head. Mad matter almost liquid dow for Francine, too many packages of dow. The studio is destroyed so he stops there. People smoking pot in the street. BB ride to his favorite exercise class after a stop home to give Francine a kiss goodnight. The class he is attending is made by a friend of him, started in South Africa. 1 hour later he is sweating a lot. Cab drive home, the driver is called Mr Ferarrii because he was wearing a Ferrari outfit when he met Tom Hanks. They got in touch and he drove many other famous people.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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