Amsterdam. "Amsterdam is my style". Landing in Amsterdam. While leaving the plane he explains that he had a bad idea. His layover is 3 hours. They arrived half an hour early. So instead of staying in the lounge he will go to the city then come back just before his flight takes off. Countdown timer. Train ride to the center. He arrives in Amsterdam 2 hours and 9 minutes before the flight boards. Penny boarding in the streets. Skateboarding tour. First stop on the bridge where he proposed to Candice. He seats on his skateboard to explains that he has made a movie about this proposal. Amsterdam was the place where they first met. They went back for Valentine's day. They stayed at The Grand hotel, went for a walk, he waited the tourists to be further away and asked her. She didn't answer right away, she was overwhelmed. 7:30am nothing opened yet but he continues to skateboard in the city. Drone views. I love Amsterdam t-shirt. Train ride back to the airport. He explained that while skateboarding back to the train station he had a hard fall. A wheel was stuck in the tramway rails. He fell over with his camera in his hand and his backpack with his laptop and stuff over him. He broke his Sony RX100. He shows a drawing of his pinky finger. His instinct was to go to the nearest hospital but he took a deep breath and snapped it into place. Now it work but is twice the size. He wants to go to Finland then will go to the doctor. In the lounge at the airport he puts his finger into a cup of ice. He arrives right on time to take his flight. He wishes to thank Andrew Applepie for the music. He got at the doctor, his finger is most likely broken but he did the right thing by snapping it back into place.