Casey Neistat Episode list

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Episode number 21 from season 3.

2017-04-24 - $400 LIGHTSABER

Season 3 - Episode 21 - 04-24-2017
Episode 19 labeled episode 21. During his morning run Casey wants to show something from the tip of a pier. Big open empty space. It would be really cool if he can move his studio and the Beme offices here, in this glass walled place, 500 feet of the shore of Manhattan city. He needs a call from the NYC building department. He is now obsessed with this idea. He shows it from further away. Boosted board ride to the studio, he crossed a pedestrian crossing at the last seconds before the traffic starts again. In his studio a pile of packages to open. Mailtime while he explains that this week will be very very busy. 3 travel days so he has to pack twice the work in the remaining days. He goes to Helsinki Finland at the end of the week for a one day event, but as it is very far from NYC the travel and event will take half the week. He opens a art canvas with collages and pictures. He is excited to come back to Finland, the place where they shot the drone/Santa video. He opens a light saber, turns it on, turns off the lights and play with it. He always wanted a lightsaber. The saber is from Khal at More thanks on the screen. DDavis + Katherine (nice vlogs) JP? for the bag from Guatemala, Alex from Hindsdale Illinois for the hats, the person who sent him the collage from and Splike Jonze for the t-shirts. But people should stop to send him candy. He shows the noise that the metal rings of his camera are doing. Jingle-jangle. This is camera dedicated to video, why not go with the fixed loops? It does not make any sense. Casey use a bolt cutter to remove the loops, but now he has no idea what to do with the camera strap. Views from the Beme basement office. Lots of whiteboards. LG 5K monitors. They are very expensive but the person who bought them bought whatever is needed so Casey's team can work with good tools. Casey wanted one but couldn't justify the price, here they bought seven of them. More are coming. 2 RED cameras. He goes into the studio, he shows the work lights then the fancy lights controlled by a computer. The things are starting but they are not producing content yet. Casey reminds that having all this gear does not mean it will be good, but at least it will look good. After a while Casey needs help to turn the lights off. Beme team half marathon in a few weeks. Jack and Steve are betting. The looser will have to put a framed picture of the winner on their desk until the next race. In his studio Casey explains that he wants to make a vlog or something like that to show what it means to start, run and own a business, what it needs to be an entrepreneur. The first and most important rule is always and only work with people you like. Next morning in his apartment he realizes that he is not leaving tomorrow but today. He flies Tuesday and not Wednesday.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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