Casey Neistat Episode list

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Episode number 13 from season 3.


Season 3 - Episode 13 - 04-14-2017
Morning run next to the river. Temple run, it means super fast but short. 6.2 miles at a 6:47 miles per minute pace. He shows his new Garmin Fenix 5 watch. In the apartment he explains that he has seen jetskis on the Hudson river, it means that summer is coming. Boosted board ride to the office. Movie catering, they shoot Mr Robot just in front of his office. Still no baby giraffe. Marlon the UPS guy shows his brand new Sony RX100 camera with bright orange fur over the microphones (he also wears a gopro) Elmo's camera. Casey explains that in his review he said that the focus was slow, he was wrong. Sony got in touch with him and explained him what parameter to change so it focuses faster "autofocus drive speed". Q&A. He hasn't done it in a while. He wanted to shoot a new intro but had not manage to take time to do it. He opens a box with lots of snacks from Juice press. Father and son vlog? is he sick of traveling? Does he like living in NYC? How is Owen doing in college? What music does he listen while running? Who makes his t-shirts? Canon or Sony? Should one go to college? How is Candice feeling about him vlogging again? What point and shoot camera does he recommend? Where does he get his boosted boards? How long the vlog will last? If not vlogging what would be his job? How does he like his steak? Advices for someone who is going to live in NYC? Phone call with Candice. He asks her if she is ok to come with him to LA tonight. It is 5:15pm and the flight is at 8:00pm. Less than 3 hours to go home, pack, take Francine and go to the airport. On his way back home he shows a place in a street where it seems like there are two suns. The reflections on a building makes a very special effect. It looks like movie lighting. New suitcases that can be attached together if needed. Candice is excited, probably because she has taken a vallium pill after being at the doctor. They will be in Los Angeles for only 48 hours. Cab ride to the helicopter pad. Helicopter ride to the airport. Not sure they will arrive on time to catch their flight. Francine is on the suitcase. Quickline. They have their luggage so they should be able to take the plane. Lots of fans in the back of the plane. Francine screams a lot. In the Hotel room Casey explains that she screamed the whole flight.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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