Casey Neistat Episode list

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Episode number 109 from season 3.

2018-02-16 - a family surprise

Season 3 - Episode 109 - 02-16-2018
New York City Friday February 16, 2018. Casey puts fur slippers in his apartment, opens a can of tuna, puts it in a bowl with Casey's hot sauce... for breakfast. he did that for the last 7 days. Almost like cheerios without milk... and tuna instead. Boosted board to the studio. Snack box, made from a dji box. Casey talks of an article in the New York Times, about a crash proof drone, not out yet, from MIT students. They gave one to Casey to test it but it has been gray and raining the last week so not good to test a new drone. Not fair. Dollar pizza went out of business. Sorry for the business owner but it is a good thing for Casey. Since then Casey allowed himself one fancy coffee a day. The big news: for Valentine's day Casey wanted something for Candice and Francine that was about them, the family. So he booked a trip to Bermuda, where he had his romantic week-end with Peter McKinnon for the drone test video. They leave tomorrow morning. 3 days family vacation. One Wheel ride to the other end of the hallway to go to the bathroom. Stop at his other office, PC with rgb leds inside, 16 core i9, liquid cooled. Back in his studio, time for mailtime. Neistat sneakers. He compares mail time as feeding a wild animal, as soon as he feeds him (to have more space in his studio) it encourages more. Every time he opens boxes, it just leads to receiving more boxes. Clothes for Francine from India. Rocket ship poster. Please take off your shoes neon led sign. Carpenter stuff. Warm wishes from cold Russia box. like button painting. Custom backpack from Goscope, great family company. Laser edged box from recycle cardboard. neck tie. hardshell backpack. Wood box. Huge glasses sculpture made from metal. Shaving set. Huge mess on the floor and still lots of packages to open... another day. Grovery shopping. Back home, Candice tries to take a photo of Francine wearing a dancing dress. #lemonsforleukemia challenge.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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