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Episode number 105 from season 3.

2018-02-12 - Interviewing the Head of YouTube Business

Season 3 - Episode 105 - 02-12-2018
This interview took place 12 days ago. Everything about Logan Paul was recorded before the last events, demonetization of his channel few days ago. Robert Kyncl interview. His first YouTube video. Casey akss why YouTube doesn't use Youtube as a communication platform. Today is a first. It's risky. He is the Chief Business Officer of YouTube. Casey has lots of question about the Logan Paul controversy (footage of a dead person who commited suicide). They have escalation processes to deal this kind of situations. How did it ended on the homepage. Casey points that it took 9 days for YouTube to answer. Mainly because behind Logan Paul there are many people working, and they didn't want to cut everything with the risk of impacting so many people. Casey is mad at the YT answer very unprecise. YT culture is evolving, more and more drama. Drama is rewarded with attention, so with dollars. It leads to sensationalist content. They are thinking about disincentives. Do the right thinks for advertisers, users, creators. It's difficult. They deeply care about creators. Casey asks what would YT like to see on the channels. They like news, educational content. Casey points the fact that in the TV and Cinema business, the heads are always also creators. At YT none of them. Robert has always been close to content and creators. They always has to manage a huge infrastructure. 450 hours of content are uploaded every minute. They are streaming one billon hours of video every day, in HD quality. They have to deal both with technological and social issues at the same time. Changes of rules these days. Small channels says that it is discouraging. They had to find a fair limit. For Casey it seems that sometimes what users want to see is not aligned with what advertisers want to buy. They talk about adpocalypse and the yellow $ icon (no money on this video but the ad is still displayed while they investigate). Casey find that unfair: they pay for the algorithm fault. Robert also explain that they really try to communicate with creators. Casey think that what they need is very clear rules that creators can stand for, know what to expect. They want to preserve freedoms, 4 core freedoms, freedom of speech for example. They also want the success of both de 2 communities of creators and advertisers. The intent is always good. Casey plugs Robert book: streampunks. Casey ends by asking other youtubers to try to interview more youtube officers and executives.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

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