Casey Neistat Episode list

In what or which episode Casey Neistat does xyz ? A detailed content of every episode of his youtube vlog

Episode number 1 from season 3.

2017-03-25 - THE VLOG IS BACK

Season 3 - Episode 1 - 03-25-2017
Miami. On the beach, Casey explains that yes the vlog is back. 4:41am in his apartment, he makes coffee. Then they pack and take a car to the airport. In the plane Casey tells that he wants to explain why is is taking the vlog back. Hotel in Miami. 2 years ago, 730 days ago he shot his very first episode. Today is his 36th birthday. 4 days ago he posted a vlog episode, then he continued, he did not labelled them as vlog episodes, it was an experiment, but he felt great and when he thought about the reason why he stopped the vlog, it was because it was becoming easy, the creative challenge had gone. When he started 2 years ago his goal was to share the creation of his Beme company, it worked. It also was him building a career on Youtube, building an audience. So when the company struggled it was less and less about Beme and more and more about his daily life. So it became routine. He spent the last 4 months figuring out what his future with CNN will be. Beme is becoming a lab to experiment things. He was trying to find out how to share this with the audience and then it clicked in his mind: it is the exact same situation he was into before starting the first vlog. So 2 years later he is there building a new company and starting the whole process over. Many comments he got with the vlog was that he was doing this to promote his company, and he does not understand why it is supposed to be a criticism, it it the main reason he started the vlog, because he is proud to share his company's progress. He is not just a Youtuber, he is also an entrepreneur. Strong Bass music at 4pm where does it come from? Timelapse and drone views of Miami Beach. Happy Birthday cake. Francine sings the happy birthday song with the help of Candice. Francine eats the cake with her hands. Phone call with his dad. They are here just for a day, but it is raining. Tonight they have a baby sitter so they can have a date. Casey is pleased and thanks Candice for what she had organized. Outside it is pouring rain. They come back in the hotel and have dinner at the hotel's restaurant. More footage of Francine singing.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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