Casey Neistat Episode list

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Episode number 31 from season 2b.

2017-03-15 - NYC BLizzard FAILURE

Season 2b - Episode 31 - 03-15-2017
Casey shows video excerpts of his winter 2014 video where he was snowboarding in the streets of NYC. 3 years ago. Yesterday was a huge blizzard day, the last time they got 21 inches of snow in march was in 1888. inches even feet of snow were announced, but the blizzard never came. Casey prepared to shoot a video but he never finished it. But he wanted to make a video about this fail. March 13 2017 6pm. In the street he explains that in 6 hours NYC will be hit by a storm named Stellar. 9:30pm still no snow. 5 hours laters at 2:30am it is foggy outside. Next check-in in the morning, it seems like it rained and now it is frozen rain, a little bit of snow. At noon with his friend Max, not a lot of snow. Later in the afternoon, no more snow. He stopped the video there. Back in the studio he explains what he had in mind: make a video of the progression of the snow until one or 2 feet of snow make the city completely shut down. He talks about the previous snowboard videos he has made. They may look effortless, like he just grab his snowboard and went into the streets with his truck but they are not. He had been preparing for many years. He had the idea since 2001, his boss at that time had a huge pickup truck and they already had snowboarded together. It took him that long to buy a jeep that was snow ready, having snowboards in NYC ready to use and having the perfect storm. He asks the audience what his next snow video should be, even if it is in a year or two because he may have to prepare for it. He does not think that it should be a video of him snowboarding or skiing behind a car or a drone, he has already done that.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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