Casey Neistat Episode list

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Episode number 22 from season 2b.

2017-02-13 - PewDiePie vs. Free Speech

Season 2b - Episode 22 - 02-13-2017
In his studio Casey shows a sign telling "Youtube Drama". Many creators talks about the other main Youtube creators, Casey tries to avoid it but today it made the classic media news. The New York times talks about it: Disney has cut ties with PewDiePie. YouTube has distanced itslef after he posted anti-Semitic imagery online. The Wall Street Journal researched and make a compilation video of all the "anti-Semitic" jokes he has made. Because of this video, Disney which owns the MCM company PewDiePie works for, Disney severed ties with him. 53 millions subscribers, almost 15 billion views. It shines a huge spotlight on the entire YouTube platform. PewDiePie represents the platform. Casey knows PewDiePie, he spent some time with him and he doesn't think he has a hateful bone in his body. He is not anti-Semitic. But with great power comes great responsibility. When you have 53 million subscribers you have to be careful with your audience, not everybody will interpret what you are doing the way it is supposed to ben interpreted. While Casey is recording this video, a news just broke: Youtube cancelled PewDiePie show and removes it from the ad program. Casey thinks he will be ok, people quickly forget that kind of incident. Casey cherish free speech, but it underscore that you can say whatever you want but at some times there will be consequences for it.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
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