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Casey Neistat The Vietnam Notebook: season 2b episode 1 youtube vlog

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Episode number 1 from season 2b.

2016-11-28 - The Vietnam Notebook

Season 2b - Episode 1 - 11-28-2016
Casey's trip to Vietnam with his kid Owen. Back in 2012. Experience does for the soul what education does for the mind. Casey in the plane with Owen asleep. He was 14 then. First morning, it was physically painful to got out, they were super jet lagged. It took them 3 days to arrive. New York to Tokyo, then Tokyo to Hanoi Vietnam. As every year, Casey makes a trip with his kid, it is the 10th time in a row. First trip : 2002 Bahamas. Casey has seriously planned this trip. Agenda filled with the trip information, moto rental... They want to ride a motorcycle during 3 days around vietnam. But the only one available is way too small. Lots of scooters but not many motorcycles. The put one together just for them. Tide to Hoa Binh. Driving in Hanoi is chaos. 2 hours later it is calmer. Eventually they escape the city. Snake wine: snakes and bees and honey. Bumble bees wine too. the base is rice wine. Amazing views of the green fields. Owen is eating lots of chocolate pies. It is not an adventure movie, it is a nostalgia movie, about what his relationship with Owen was 4 years ago. A connection with what Casey lived with his own dad earlier. As he grew up in a family with 4 kids, he never had real moments with his dad. But his relation with Owen is different, he can remember those huge chunks of time just with him. In the bedroom where they will sleep they reorganize the furniture to optimize exposure to the fans because it is very hot, 99°F, 99% humidity. Next day, motorcycle trip continues, lots of scooters everywhere. Not super safe bridge with holes. Fun and hard 4 days at the same time. Owen seat is only the metal rack, they ass cushioning attached with an old inner-tube. Much better. No finish line, no real destination, just experience. Hot water heater, live wire just above the shower. Boat with 2 women and a baby, no idea how they arrived there. Dark caves. They went out of gas on their way back to Hanoi. 33% alcohol in a 1 gallon plastic jug 3 dollars. Boat trip for their last day. Karaoke and cheap booze. So the next day was very calm. Editing 4 year old footage is tough, he planned to make an adventure video and instead he was experiencing this time with his kid all over again. 4 years later, interview with Owen about what he remembers about this trip: the cruise and the biking. He misses those trips. Casey also enjoyed those trips, if there was one thing to change it would have been to make more trips like this. But you can't change the past. He is glad that he has this footage and that he can read this notebook.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

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