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Casey Neistat DESTROYING GOLD PLAY BUTTON: season 2 episode 89 youtube vlog

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Episode number 89 from season 2.


Season 2 - Episode 89 - 06-20-2016
Dan and Lincoln are in Casey's studio, Dan has a bent iPhone. Casey jokes at them because they break everything. Morning run, summer is there. In the studio, drinking juice press juice. He likes running when it is summer... he wishes happy summer to everybody. First day of summer today. He asks if the Godfather playing in background is disturbing. He shows a scene where Michael just escaped Cuba and was almost killed. Today 2 very talented youtubers will come to his studio. Dan and Lincoln has became famous with their videos where they cut things in half to show what is inside. He asks Lincoln what is his favorite part of YouTube. Making videos, having fun, cut the things open. Casey also asks what is the most fun video he has ever made: the fireworks. They are finishing a movie and they want to make shots around the river, the skyline... The 3 of them take a boosted board to the river, under the Brooklyn bridge. They make a world tour with the Gold Play button. Casey has more locations for them... but... a familiar sound: a boosted board went into the water. Dan launched his BB into the river. Dan had the wrong remote. Casey tries to get it back. He searches under the pier to find a wood stick then uses it to recover the board. Dan explains a tourist that they are fishing for a skateboard. Casey goes into the water and recovers it. BB #2 is completely soaked. Casey's feet are soaking wet too. Red flashing led on the BB. Trip back on a citibike for Dan. Back in the studio Casey uses a paint stripper to dry his pants and shoes. They want to cut the gold button in half, they talk about the different possible solutions to do it. They make a proper setup to film the cut. Dan uses an angle grinder to cut it in half. They talk about the number of subscribers they have. Last April their channel had 1,000 subscribers, in November they had a million. Now 2.8 million. They found something (cutting something) and make it with passion. They are coming at Vidcon. They leave, Casey leaves too. Candice is waiting for him in her car. Casey explains her that he dropped one of his BB in the east river today, no reaction from Candice, she is used to that kind of thing. A quote from Casey in a guy's yearbook.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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