Casey Neistat Episode list

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Episode number 78 from season 2.


Season 2 - Episode 78 - 06-09-2016
Casey joking about these guys with their stupid tiny car. He laughs with 2 cops around him. Morning run. Special running guest: Nev. Then stop at juice press. Nev complains about the guy on TV but everybody wants to take pictures with Casey. Youtube is the hot place to be. Even the people recognize Nev from his appearances in Casey's vlog more than with his MTV show. TV is dead. Nev tries the boosted board. Casey rides his bike. Let's talk about VidCon. Biggest youtube physical event of the year. taking place in California. Last year was his first time. Before that he thought it was dump, but he changed his mind. He was wrong. It falls in 2 categories. On one side the craziest fans, on the other the most creative youtubers. It represents the next generation of media. He wants to make something big this year. He wants to bring a friend, who has resources and money... Samsung has that. He shows a briefcase with the gear360 camera, S7 phone, VR glasses. Then, 10 briefcases like that. He will give them to creators, he will explains more about that later. They will make a 360 movie and makes a movie Premiere, but instead of a big screen, everybody will have VR googles. He will share the details later. In the street, the small cop car is once again here, Casey jokes with the 2 very friendly police officers. How can they fit in the car. Hand shaking. On his way to 17th street. He goes to Google to give a talk. He likes Google work places. Jessica will escort him. He touches a wall filled with buttons/lights. It displays the Google logo but when you touch the buttons it is like the surface of water. Green room. Introduction of his talk. The talk went well. Boosted board ride back. He stops to explain what his talk was about: marketing. Park with Francine, family concert. Francine is dancing then leaves, running everywhere. She is fast now. In front of the band she dances, barefoot on the ground.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

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