Casey Neistat Episode list

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Episode number 74 from season 2.

2016-06-05 - GOT A DELOREAN !!

Season 2 - Episode 74 - 06-05-2016
Belfast, Ireland. Fans talking at Casey. Almost there, in the plane with Shon, they land soon. Shon is like a 6 years old in a plane, he has made friends with everybody, he even has made a selfie with the pilot in the cockpit. Landing in Belfast. The Power of Video team is waiting for them at the airport. Neistat, McBride, Markham, Hackett. Casey only had an hour and a half of sleep during flight. While waiting for the cars they talk about the fact that Dan had no problem traveling with a hatchet and a saw. Shon had problems because he had an extra charger in his bag and has to pull everything out at the security check-in. Dan looks like the perfect dad. Special transports for them. Delorean cars from back from the future. 9am. Their flight left NYC at 9pm last night but the flight was only 5 hours... Lots of fans in the streets, one does a backflip to be sure he will be in the vlog. Delorean owners association. Stop at the hotel in a temporary room to take a shower while they prepare his room. It would be fine if this would have been his room. Nescafe coffee in the room and and hour and a half to chill and work before they go. They look a little tired. Car ride to a castle. Casey is a little worried because tonight is Game of Throne night and he is not sure if he would be able to watch it, so they brought us to Winterfell... The place where they shoot it. He stops to work a little bit before reconnecting with the group. Tomorrow a conference will happen, The Power of Video, first year so no idea what it will be like. Casey is excited. Today is for sightseeing. 2 fans, one says that he almost looks like Casey Neistat but the hair is different. Drone views of the place. Dog in the water. 3pm lunch time. Soup, fruits... Car ride back to the hotel, Shon slept the whole ride. In his hotel room Casey shows the planning for today. Nothing between now (6:50pm) and 7:30pm (meet at the reception for dinner), he has to go running. No excuses accepted. A sign saying: warning this fire exit is alarmed, do not open unless in an emergency. Casey does not see anything around the door, he opens it, no alarm. Majestic trail in Belfast, he went off the trail thinking it would be shorter but now it is very narrow with plats that has needles and stings. Solid run, too bad he hadn't enough time. Back in the hotel room. He is looking for Ben Brown who is also here. He goes in his room. A girl is there. No problem she has clothes on (Ben's girlfriend). Chit chat, then with Shon. Then back in his hotel room, he has to leave but his camera doesn't work. The camera is on but nothing on the screen. Car ride to a pizza restaurant in Belfast. In the street they use a slice of pizza to attract a seagull. Casey breaking the handle of the Delorean door.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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