Casey Neistat Episode list

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Episode number 72 from season 2.

2016-06-03 - my kid's SENIOR PROM

Season 2 - Episode 72 - 06-03-2016
Casey asks the fans around him to say something interesting. One guy's birthday. 8am, bad weather. Ben his coach is there. NYPD, car accident. 10.0 miles 7'47". It was raining the whole time. Back in the game. 11:30am he has a meeting with Matt, has to get his backpack at the studio, then home to pack. He took too long and they missed their train. He is with Candice, so they have lunch there. Next train at 2pm. Focus problem, Candice helps. Chocolate croissant for Candice, Casey is not eating gluten for 3 days, he smells it, wants to touch it with his face... Back in the apartment, Francine is there, they have to go. Uber ride to the train station. The walk the lasts blocks. Casey says congratulations to every kid in graduation dress/hat. Secret entrance and they manage to get on the train before it leaves. Connecticut. Candice reminds Casey their first date where he took her to home depot, his car ran out of gas. Candice had mixed feeling. When Owen was a kid he did this trip every week for 14 years. Francine runs and climbs everywhere in the train. Car ride to the Connecticut house. Francine says bye at the door, she does not want to stay inside. Owen prom party is tonight but this afternoon Casey will do his prom photos in a park. Car ride to the park to meet Owen and a girl. Owen is well dressed. Casey asks if he will dance tonight, he has never seen his dance moves. Owen says he will seat and eat candy. Pink dress girls, Drone shots, Photographs of them. Then they leave, Casey says have fun, stay away from trouble, no drugs... His little boy is all grown up. Family dinner at Captain Scott Lobster's dock, his favorite restaurant in the world. Candice thinks the same. Francine is excited too. Only opened in summer. Later in the garden of the house. Picture of Owen a 6 or 7 in Disney world. Skunk outside, he has to chase it.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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