Casey Neistat Episode list

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Episode number 71 from season 2.


Season 2 - Episode 71 - 06-02-2016
Casey with Shonduras, Samsung logo reflection on his sunglasses. Morning run. He wants to put more fitness in the vlog. He meets his running coach. Very serious this summer. 9.4 miles 7'44" pace. Early meeting so he was not able to go further, not because of his coach. Boosted board, construction workers on the sidewalk. Casey offers them a ride. Casey goes to Samsung HQ in NYC. He shows a crazy stabilizer prototype for the gear360 camera. Also a huge drone with 8 propellers. It looks like a Captain America shield. Casey promise not to reveal anything confidential from the meeting. Ride back to the studio. Shon arrives. He shows Casey's handwritten sign "no visitors, this is a place of business, do not knock, no exceptions, police will be called. Someone has also sent him a proper sign he installs next to his piece of paper, he left both. He explains that fans can't come in the building,his building manager gets upset... Shon tries the new strange squared skateboard. Shon is with a friend. Next games. Professional fun haver. They try the boosted boards in the street. Juice press juice. Healthy. Casey tries to remember how they met: through Jerome. Drone views around the piers of the east side river. Pier 40. First time ha was able to get there. A bunch of kids smoking pot behind them. The kids are screaming. Friendly people.Samsung big party, they go there to check it out. From the terrace they look over the party. Shon is making a 360 video for them. Casey and Shon's friend are here for... nothing special. Party outside in the street. Girls dancing everywhere. Shon gives Hi5s to the singers/dancers, he really likes Hi5s. Girls doing sexy/sexual dances on the stage wearing flashy thong bodies. WTF. It went real dirty really fast. Jumping on balloons. Shon takes Casey's camera while he is texting. Boosted board ride back to the studio. Casey asks the audience to subscribe to Shonduras channel.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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