Casey Neistat Episode list

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Episode number 69 from season 2.


Season 2 - Episode 69 - 05-31-2016
Candice climbing the slope of the garage. Casey asks if she includes this in her workout. 11:15am on a workday, Casey is just leaving the house. Boosted board ride to the studio, summer has arrived. In love with the city, but not the traffic. In the studio, he explains that he had audio issues. He goes to K&M the store under his office, says thanks for the G7X mark II and shows the problem he has with his 80D. Second time he has the same problem. No audio. Bad for Canon. They try a brand new camera, same problem. The problem my comes from the microphone itself. Back in the studio he explains that recently he had so many problems with his gear. He takes a piece of paper to explain his relationship with gear. Very Steve Jobs language: I hate camera gear. Just leave me alone so I can make movies. On the left side, him with ideas, videos, desire to share. On the right: the audience with a desire to watch. Between: gear, edit, upload. You want to get from left to right as fast as possible, without the least obstructions possible. Yesterday's scenes with Jesse: no audio. This is what he is dealing with every day. He grabs his boosted board to go to Juice press for raw vegan healthy food. Outside, Candice is here. Adorable in her white shorts. MILF juice. Candice uses Casey's camera monitor as a mirror to clean something in her eye while Casey explains that they are planning Owen's high school graduation party which is 2 weeks away. People have made comments about Candice looking like a frog or that she always looks likes she just smelled a nasty fart. They laugh. Then she leaves, Casey goes back to his studio. On his way a group of fans girls are skipping school today. Casey's advice: Stay in school, don't do drugs. NYPD Smart car. Casey asks where is dignity, how can the police officers be respected while driving a car like this. In the street he asks people what they think about the car. Do the police officers have to leave their dignity at the police station because it doesn't fit in the car. More jokes, a little offensive. Later he shows Marlon the tiny car on a picture on his cellphone. Later same thing to Candice who was waiting for him in the car. They smile.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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