Casey Neistat Episode list

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Episode number 68 from season 2.

2016-05-30 - working out?

Season 2 - Episode 68 - 05-30-2016
A guy working out with a barrier. Cheaper than a gym membership. Lots of clouds this morning. Memorial day. National holiday. 2:31pm he just left the apartment. This morning was family time. Boosted board ride to juice press. Even if it is holiday, he will try to work a little bit before coming back home. Drone views of him riding his BB in the streets of NYC. In his studio he acknoledge service men and women for what they do. Especially his brother Dean and the guys he went with in Afghanistan. He shows pictures of them and him on his wall. Busy work. He tried to rip the tag on the left inside of his shirt and ripped the whole shirt in a half. A brand new shirt. Oscar is in the street, he also worked to edit a movie. It is Oscar birthday, he is 32. Casey has to go home, Francine is awake. At home he sews his shirt. Francine plays with her skateboard. Later they leave the apartement to get the car in the garage. Candice struggles to keep the stroller with Francine inside in the steep slope. Casey asks if it would be hard to steal a car in this garage. An Audi R8 and a Porsche just next to their car. They go to Washington Square Park. Francine is playing wth her feet in the car seet. They play together in the park. Dancing hippies. They talk about leaving the city when Francine is 5. Chinese restaurant, indeed Vietnamese. Later Casey meets Jesse for another try to watch the sunset aligned with the streets. Same problem: too cloudy, second fail. Wheely on a foldable bike. Boosted board and drone views with Jesse. Timelapse. Huge Boat, Casey jokes about this boat is Jesse's.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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