Casey Neistat Episode list

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Episode number 66 from season 2.

2016-05-28 - WEED ENERGY DRINK!!

Season 2 - Episode 66 - 05-28-2016
Amsterdam, Netherlands. Cans of drinks in a fridge, Cannabis beer, Cannabis energy drink. Next to them, Cannabis lollipops, candy, dark chocolate... From the window of his hotel, Casey explains that it is 11:15am he as to leave at 1pm. He must try to do something before leaving. Burger with coffee room service, great food. He has to force himself to leave the computer and go outside to soak up a little bit more of Amsterdam. This is the first of several bad decisions. Boosted board ride. A fan wants to be in the vlog. Amsterdam looks like a postcard everywhere you look. Back in the hotel room. 1pm, his flight is at 2:55pm That should be enough. He wants to take the train to go to the airport because it is cool. HE enjoyed his stay in this hotel. He advise to get room 514 at the Hoxton. Lots of stuff to carry while riding the boosted board. 3 story parking garage just for bicycles. Train station. He packs his BB and tries to buy a ticket from a machine, it didn't work, so a guy helped him to buy it and goes with him up until the train track. The people here are just incredible. His train arrives, no problem to get in, but with all his luggage he feared to be inconvenient to others. 20 minutes delay. Not sure he would be able to take his flight. At the check-in he learns that he missed his flight... but he switches for another flight, a direct one and will arrive earlier than planned. Great. Time to have a shower. KLM. He is the last person boarding. In the plane Casey explains that he dropped a glass on champagne on his neighbor. Total accident.Toiletry kit review, as usual. Lots of room in the plane. Only 10 seats in business class. First person off. Dream hallway for skateboard. Back in NYC. Uber ride back.9:30pm he dropped his bag home and as Candice is out with her sister for a birthday party, he has to say hi. Casey askes if she missed him.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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