Casey Neistat Episode list

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Episode number 63 from season 2.

2016-05-25 - it was my first time

Season 2 - Episode 63 - 05-25-2016
London, England. Casey waking up in the airplane. Airport views, the plane arrives in Heathrow. Because the plane was late, he missed his connection, he is not sure what he will do. At the security x-ray scan, he throws the whole content of his bag into the plastic bin and they still rejected it. He misses his second flight. He will be able to board on another flight... indeed no, they won't let him board on this third flight. Horse with a lampshade on the head sculpture. He has another flight but in 3 hours. He is stuck here for the afternoon. chocolate croissants in the lounge, he feels more relaxed now. He will be able to do the talk he was brought here to do. Everything will be great. Shower. He feels much better after, but WTF this airline, how were they able to make him miss to flights. The food is pretty legit, it is British which is disgusting (joke). coffee machines, sodas, cheese, fruits, soups, sweets, sandwiches, and weird British food. Train ride to switch terminal. pennyboarding in the terminal. Finally he is able to take off. Next stop Amsterdam. Insane 2 days travel. Did his boosted board managed to go there. He takes euro cash at the cash machine. No sign of the BB yet... but it made it. Time to leave the airport. I am sterdam sculpture next to the train station. Lots of Tesla taxis. 2 guys picked Casey at the airport. They drive him straight to a place to wakeboard. No stop at an hotel before. Holland sport boat center. Idea of a stunt where he will wakeboard through the narrow canals of Amsterdam. They seem to be serious about it. He has never really wakeboard before, that could be a liability so he has to practice here before. It is freezing cold. 7pm, he is excited. Duncan will teach him. Casey tries a trampoline, puts on a wetsuit. Instructions on the ground then the jetski arrives. He goes into the water and tries it. The water is very cold. After a few slow tries, Casey manages to stay on the wakeboard without any problem. Tomorrow is the real shoot, at 6am... will it be colder? Casey starts to feel the jet lag headache. Car ride to the hotel. Bedroom with a view on a canal. A box filled with Candy. A custom made sticker "do no stab" on it. He could go outside to visit but he has to work and sleep. Tomorrow is a new day. Wakeboard start from the pontoon.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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