Casey Neistat Episode list

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Episode number 61 from season 2.

2016-05-23 - $1000 SCISSORS

Season 2 - Episode 61 - 05-23-2016
Casey, wearing a tuxedo, singing Happy birthday to Marlon the UPS guy.Boosted board ride to the studio. He explains that he has a photo shoot this morning, but he is not sure he can tell who the photo shoot is for. In the studio, he has the confirmation he can't tell and he has to pixelate a person who is there. Dolce & Gabana, Hugo Boss, Prada, clothes. Never heard of these brands:) He puts on some fancy clothes. White shirt, boutonniere, ...haircut. $1000 scissors. There is a difference between them and cheaper scissors. The photo shoot will be done in the street. A skateboard, a chase car. Flash and softbox in the car with the photographer. Casey tries to skateboard in the middle of the 5th avenue, and the chasing car is supposed to shoot him with a long lens, but with the traffic it is very hard. While they were taking pictures, a guy on a bike was hit by a car. They offered help. Nothing broken except his bike. NYPD and FDNY took care of the cyclist. The photo shot started at 10am, it is now 3:15pm. Snacks then back in the studio. 6 hours photo shoot. He meets Jesse, who seems happy. These times he didn't seem very happy (broke with his girlfriend) Jesse does a 180 with his boosted board. Casey asks if he misses daily vlogging after 6 years. He just quit. 9 million subscribers. Jesse explains that sometimes you have to live your life not through the camera. They ride their BB in the city. Stop at Juice Press. Casey offers the tender to try his BB. He agrees. He is not very good at it at the beginning. Drone views of him. Special juice for Jesse, Casey's own concoction. Later they try to race to compare their BB speeds. Casey has the new version.Sunset timelapses, with planes, clouds, .... Casey explains to Jesse that it is against the law to skateboard on the bicycle lane of the west side highway.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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