Casey Neistat Episode list

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Episode number 55 from season 2.


Season 2 - Episode 55 - 05-17-2016
TSA Security women laughing. Boosted board ride, with a backpack, holding a pack and a rolling suitcase behind him. In the studio he explains that he remembers why he changed his iPhone, the battery dies in like two seconds. New ride to the Apple store to buy a new horrible charging case. Back in the studio. People always ask what phone does he uses. Apple, Android. He uses both. Redundancy. One iOS, one Android, they are on different networks. He is a cellphone nerd. He shows some of his old phones. First iPhone, Samsung Galaxy s3 (huge screen). Sony phone (waterproof), HTC, not waterproof. Blackberry (sent by the company), it sucks. He tried to sell it, nobody wanted it. Samsung Note 3 (pen), iPhone 6, easy to break. Galaxy S7 edge, his favorite phone, he liked it so much that he asked Samsung for a gold one, but at the end en prefers the silver one so he never activated the gold one. Now iPhone 6s. Airport.Lots of people, it is the waiting like for his flight. He takes 91 seconds for a very fast Q&A. What is his least favorite part about airports. Which is the best sport in America. Does he want to chase and film a tornado. Does he like magic tricks. When does he come in Amsterdam. Is he going to visit the Philippine someday. Will he come in Norway soon. When did he start wearing sunglasses every day. What is he most grateful for in life. Is he more in love with the process or the result of creative things. Will he come to Vidcon. Does he plan to start another company. Phone call from Candice. Will he come to Ireland. Does he know Krav Maga. En of the Q&A. Not first not last on the plane. He is sitting backwards. Airplane pajamas. HE puts them on in the tiny bathroom with his running shoes. Landing. United business toiletry kit. Nothing special. Landing. Baggage claim. Rental car. The guy at the rental place is a subscriber of his vlog. Every time he lands there it is pitch black. Today it is just before the sun set. He stops the car to shoot some drone views. San Francisco bay, Golden gate with fog in the background. It feels he was there 3 days ago (in fact, one week). He remembers while he stayed in the room with no view and he climbed on the roof. The people from the hotel got in touch with him and invited him and promised that he will have a better room tonight. Fairmont hotel. Sunjay is there, founder and CEO of boosted board. Casey forgot to bring his boosted board, Sunjay is there to personally give him a new boosted board controller. Sunjay comes with him to check the view. Huge apartment and amazing views. Timelapses of the sunset and night. Opulent room thanks to Melissa.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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