Casey Neistat Episode list

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Episode number 44 from season 2.

2016-05-06 - She did NOT want to GO OUT

Season 2 - Episode 44 - 05-06-2016
Selfie with a guy in a car, in the street. On the cab screen, LilySingh youtuber. He was starting on his Boosted board this morning, but it was pouring rain when a cab showed up, he took it. It's been 6 straight days that it's been raining in New York City. In the studio there are 2 new boxes of Boosted boards. Not for him. He has to go down to pick a friend who does not understand how to get inside of the building. His friend takes the 2 boosted board boxes. Stop at the Beme HQ to have a look, then in the street. Back in his studio Casey takes a metal pipe, screws, towel paper he chews with water. He put the screw it inside then the whole thing inside the pipe and uses it as a sarbacane to poke a hole in a balloon stuck at the ceiling of his studio. He did not want to take a ladder. First day at the office after a week of YouTube chaos at the Creators summit. He is invited at a wedding. He had no intention to go there, but Candice asked him to come because he is good at weddings. He likes to dance and is a terrible dancer, to he helps to get the party to start. He likes wearing suits. But it means he has to go home early to pack. Francine has to stay there with her grand mother. They leave for 2 days. Candice is excited that he is able to come... if he manages to get his flight. Helicopter ride to the airport. The low ceiling makes it a bad weather to be in an helicopter but they manage to go to the airport without any problem. He guys a Gopro Hero 4 silver in a vending machine. Probably his 50th Gopro, but he lost the last one he had. It looks like he will be the first on the plane but he wasn't. He opens the Gopro box in the plane. In the bathroom he explains that he was asleep most the time. Lots of people talking in the plane. Security at the arrival airport does not like him to use his camera. They checked his bag and freaked out because he has a drone in his backpack. It took 20 minutes but he went out without any major problem, he still has the drone. He has instructions to follow to go to the place where he is supposed to go. No idea where it is, he just has to follow the instructions Candice gave him in a text message. Hotel room, Candice is not there. Outside, a patio, a private swimming pool. Candice arrives. Casey wants to go out but the time Casey has a shower, Candice falls asleep. Casey wakes her up and asks her to leave the room but she tries to make Casey stay here. He pulls her and make her fall on the ground so she can stand up by herself. Golf cart, Casey wants to steal it. No keys. Don't touch sign on a wall, no idea why. Candice is bitten by mosquitoes. They don't stay very long at the bar, they are too tired and come home. They had a driver in the golf cart to go back to the lobby of the hotel.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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