Casey Neistat Episode list

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Episode number 42 from season 2.

2016-05-04 - I'M A TALKSHOW HOST!!!

Season 2 - Episode 42 - 05-04-2016
Amublance siren... and the driver says "Hey Casey" in his megaphone. Today is the Youtube Creators Summit. Not sure what it exaclty is. Stop at Beme HQ. They want to start the giveaway of Beme merchandising. New t-shirts, pennyboards... They will be sent to people making very good bemes. Jack moderates bemes, he says that people has to post really good bemes, not just emailing him to have free stuff. Tractor in the street. Boosted board ride to the event. A guy on a Segway with a poodle in his backpack. He arrives at the Google place where he is supposed to talk. Lots of fans here. He uses a staircase to go to the green room. It starts with an interview he is giving. Beatbox guy, then Casey on stage with Aziz Ansari. After the event, Jesse is there too. Lunchtime, total madness. Straight back to the studio for a mailtime. It has been a while. Absolute book. Photographs of NYC. A box with "there is a replica of the moon inside". Topography accurate moon. A box with "open if you love swimming" written on it from Silesia swimming center. He reads the letter wearing a swimming cap. He is invited to Poland for swimming courses. A delivery guy in the background comes many times to put lots and lots of Corona beer bottles. Caps. A backpack. Like the wind runner magazine. Candy and a book The Coffey Files. a Beme logo. I love NYC T-shirt. A letter from Corona Extra for Cinco de Mayo, don't forget to drop a lime in your bottle at 5:55pm. Balloons, pinata, ... he opens a bottle, puts a slice of lime in it and says happy Cinco de Mayo to everybody. He opens a box, very excited: virtual reality headset. You are supposed to be able to control a drone with it. It takes a little time to install so he will do it later, but soon he will fly his drone with the VR headset. Drone views outside, he uses the headset. He looks weird but likes it. It is like flying. First person droning. He lends it to a worker in the park to show him. Let's taco"bout it. Back at the youtube event. Team building exercise, they have to make tacos and margaritas. They hope they will win (better taco's... cocktails) but no. In an empty room he explains that it was an incredible day. There is a party after, but he wants to go home to have time with the baby and Candice. In front of the Bentley store. Fancy cars and everybody recognizes him. Home for a short time, then he goes back to the Beme office to meet Matt. An almost empty huge bag of gummy bears on Alex desk. Matt some of them. 12pm, his work for the day is done. Corona problem: the beer overflows from the bottle.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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