Casey Neistat Episode list

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Episode number 41 from season 2.

2016-05-03 - SHE STOLE MY BIKE

Season 2 - Episode 41 - 05-03-2016
Casey, riding his bike, wearing a very bright construction jacket says "I love your jacket" to a worker wearing the same one while cleaning a park. Then Casey almost crashes. Cab ride to work this morning, it's raining outside. Glass ceiling, he likes this cab. In the studio he has problems with his chair. Someone sent him cookies shaped like his sunglasses. He ate 12 of them, now his teeth are black. Yesterday was the MET Gala and Beme launch. One of the more overwhelming day. He does not like the fact that he was not able to stay longer at the Beme HQ. He was at the MET to shoot a video for Vogue magazine, and his regular vlog at the same time, he had his head spinning. Today is almost the same, madness. He struggles to manage all of that all the time. Stop in Beme office. Small talk with Jack, It is going well. Still some bugs, they are working on them. 5 or 6 Android releases has been done since yesterday. They have answered to 100% of the help contacts. helpdesk. In his studio he puts on waterproof clothes to go to bike outside. It is pouring, he needs protection. He puts tape to cover the American Airlines logo of his bright yellow jacket. This week Google does and event for the Youtubers, today is a kind of rehearsal. Explanation about the place where he will talk on Thursday. Then he cross the street to go to another office, no idea what it is about. He has to blur (or wants to blur) a lot of things he cannot disclose. 4pm he ate nothing but candy. Stop at Joe's pizza, his favorite pizza place. He is not supposed to eat pizza but it is good pizza. Ben Affleck said it is the best pizza place of the city. Google makes the top 150 youtubers of the world come here this week, they booked a room for everyone including Casey. He does not need an hotel room, he lives there. He stops at the hotel and have no bicycle lock, 2 girls who recognize him agree to watch for his bike while he is away. Inside the hotel lobby, lots of youtubers are here, he talks with Lilly, she has plans to make a video that can send them to jail, Google would be mad. Talks with other famous youtubers. He goes in the hotel bedroom to have a look at the place. A box with his badge an other stuff. Youtube cookies and candy. He goes outside, the girls are still there. They explain that a woman tried to steal his bike, pretending it was hers. Bike ride back to the Beme HQ. He shows a iOS developer in the office, turning into a hip hop artist, just by wearing a cap. 73,000 Android downloads yesterday. Only 150 complained about bugs. Not bad. Another person has a desk but no computer. He leaves the office, Candice picks him with the car. She says she has good news: she is pregnant. She's joking but Casey believed her a second. He was a little scared. He could have named the video "insane pregnancy prank". Casey loves when they enter the garage, the signs makes it look like going to the future. He has to go out tonight. Youtube and Beme party. In the apartment, Francine broke a maracas. Casey leaves. Boosted board ride to the hotel. It is slippery outside. Strange elevator lighting. Party inside and outside. 2 artists, masked,typing on typewriters. In the elevator leaving the party he is with the masked girl. Broadway is closed. Boosted board heaven. He goes to meet the Beme squad to party with them. He has a tequila glass, it is huge. Nobody wants to share it with him.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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