Casey Neistat Episode list

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Episode number 40 from season 2.

2016-05-02 - Bodyguards on the Red Carpet

Season 2 - Episode 40 - 05-02-2016
Billboard in the street with Justin Bieber wearing just Calvin Klein underwear and a hand on his underwear. I dream in #mycalvins. Casey is shocked. Monday, boosted board ride. 2 huge things are happening: the Beme app is going live and tonight it will be a glamorous night. Shot of the release being published live. Apple App store, then submission on Google play. Casey also send the videos he has made yesterday about Beme. He shows the view counter increasing at each refresh. 8,000 request per minute to download the app. Not great but it's ok. He goes in his studio and show an envelope on his desk: Badge for the MET Gala from Vogue. This is the glamorous party he is going tonight. Superball of fashion/celebrity/red carpet. He draws a chart of socially intimidating events. 1-10. Francine's first birthday party is 1. An Hollywood movie premiere is about a 4. The Oscars were a serious 6.5. Dinner with the inlaws is a 8. MET Gala is a solid 10. "You don't belong here, go home youtuber". Later he comes back in the office, and talks with Jack about how it is going. great. Lots of talks on Twitter. He has to leave early to prepare for the Gala. Beme is in good hands. Stop to have his hair cut. 3 shaved lines on one side. Stop at Candice's work. She has an Uber to go home. Casey also goes home. Call with Matt, everything is going well. 3 minutes to take a shower, put on a tuxedo. In the car he explains that he is really late. He had to rush outside to buy a new white shirt. He also had to pick up someone but she is not there. They pick up a model from Vogue. Casey explains to her that he is married and they should act as friends. Casey is stopped by a security agent, another one says it's ok he is with us, Casey has to explain that no, he is not WITH them, he is not part of the security, but it was cool. Fancy dresses on the red carpet. Zoe's dress is so huge and long that there are 2 security guards to be sure that nobody step on it. Karlie Kloss is there with a blinking purse. Small talks with the people around. He goes inside. He goes to the war room to get extra batteries, where he can find an extra battery for his camera. More views of what is going on inside and outside. He meets Billy a photographer he knows. He shows the place where the photographers were before, lots of trash and garbage on the floor, especially AA batteries for the flashes. Later they take food to eat on the side of the building. On the ride back home, Casey explains that Matt called him, they had 110,00 downloads of Beme today. That's incredible.

All episodes from :
Season 1, Season 2, Season 2b, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6

Looking for Casey Neistat iconic Sunglasses?
RayBan (Ray-Ban) Wayfarer folding polarized -> Here they are!

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